Friday, November 9, 2012

Italian versus Spanish

Tuesday's election has me looking back towards the news at home and, in particular, noting the role Hispanics played in the election; it makes me feel like maybe I’m learning the wrong language.  

It has been reported that 71 percent of Hispanic ballots were cast for Obama, up 8% from four years ago.  Census data from 2010 reports that Hispanics now make up a significant percentages of the population in several southwestern states and in Florida: New Mexico (46%), California (38%), Texas (38%), Arizona (30%), Nevada (26%), Florida (22%), Colorado (21%).  In Colorado it's reported that Obama took 74% of the Hispanic vote, up from 61% four years ago; in Florida, even with traditionally conservative Cuban-Americans, he took 60%, up from 57% in 2008.  In these, and several other states, Hispanic voters apparently did a lot to give Obama a majority.

This is especially impressive considering how commentators have been saying for some time that these voters were up for grabs, that many were new to the country and/or were first time voters, and that their impressions of the two parties and the one with which they might identify, were still in formation.  It appears that identification is taking shape.  It will be interesting to see whether the connection with Democrats continues to strengthen and whether it will also apply to state and local elections.  This support last Tuesday has significance in upcoming discussions of federal immigration legislation.  The new Administration certainly owes something to Hispanic voters and can expect to hear that message when it takes up a bill.  Beyond that, if they can get passed a bill that clearly benefits immigrants in difficulty, it could do a lot to solidify Hispanics’ connection with the Democratic Party.  I expect the Republicans will understand that.

And if Puerto Rico becomes a state, this Hispanic flavor to U.S. life and its politics will get bumped up yet another notch.


  1. Hi Richard,

    I just finally found your blog, read the entries, and enjoyed the photos. Definitely solves the problem of the tiny photos that were being transmitted with your emails (still no idea of the source of that problem). The views from your apartment are quite spectacular and your neighborhood looks like it has lots of charm.

    Your reflections on Italian politics, learning new languages as an adult, the hidden secrets of your neighborhood, celebration of the election results, etc. give a different kind of insight into your stay in Bergamo and related experiences/reflections.

    Thanks for taking the time to do this.... I'll stop by on a regular basis now that I know you're here.

    much love, Suzanne

  2. Sorry it took so long to accept your comment. I haven't gotten into the habit yet of checking to see if any were pending. Thanks for your kind remarks.
