Monday, December 5, 2016

"Rick" and "Ilsa"

I went out the back door the other day thinking I’d walk down the alley and maybe around the block, looking for something to follow the last photo note. Just on the back steps I noticed our two friends here down by the lavender.
They were birthday presents to Lynda -- was it in 2013 when I was riding along the Loire and wasn’t home to celebrate?  I think she enjoys them, but we never gave them names. I thought maybe it was time to do that. At first, it seemed the names should be German. I considered “Jürgen” and “Josefa.” “Jürgen” because I like both Jürgen Klinsmann and Jürgen Klopp, even though neither at all looks like the male figure here. And “Josefa” for no better reason than it starts with “J” and seems to go well with Jürgen. I mentioned the names to Lynda at dinner.  She didn’t go for either. So later, I went to the internet looking for possible famous movie couples. After more discussion, we finally agreed that our garden protectors would now be know as “Rick” and “Ilsa.” We both like the names. The air was chilly when I took the picture and Ilsa looks anxious, possibly remembering how the two of them ended up covered in snow last January. By contrast, Rick looks relaxed, focused on something, but not obviously worried about the coming winter.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Lost Cat

Someone tacked up several of these notices on poles around the neighborhood. I’ve sometimes thought I should pick out little things around the neighborhood to record. I walk back and forth to the
Metro on this sidewalk; we visit the neighbors down the alley; I occasionally walk to stores on Wisconsin or Connecticut Avenues. But I rarely pay much attention to things along the way.  The notices about the missing cat have, I think, been on the poles for several months. They might even have replaced some put up earlier. I’ve never seen the calico cat described here. In fact, I’ve rarely seen any cats loose outside; I’ve probably seen more rabbits than cats; in fact, I know I have. Did anyone ever call this number? Was the searcher ever reunited with the cat? A happy or sad ending?